Category: Job Seekers

Job Seekers
Judy Engelbrecht

Building relationships with Recruiters

Candidates often wonder how many recruiters they should build relationships with. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, it’s important to consider a few factors to determine

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Job Seekers
Judy Engelbrecht

What is the right Dress Code

In today’s more relaxed workwear environment, especially in industries like tech, startups, and creative fields, the dress code for a first interview may be less

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Job Seekers
Tanja Faux

Powerful Interview Questions

As a recruiter with over two decades of experience, I’ve found that asking the right questions during an interview is crucial. Two questions that consistently

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Job Seekers
Tanja Faux

Got a counteroffer? GET IT IN WRITING!

Over my 24 years in recruitment, I’ve witnessed many scenarios where candidates accept counteroffers. It’s a “quick fix” solution for employers when a key employee

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Job Seekers

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