Category: Job Seekers

Job Seekers
Judy Engelbrecht

Working from home – staying motivated

Staying motivated while working from home requires a blend of discipline, routine, and self-care. Begin by setting clear goals and breaking them down into manageable

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Job Seekers
Judy Engelbrecht

Importance of references

How important are references in the process of securing your new role? References play a pivotal role in the job search process, acting as a

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Job Seekers
Judy Engelbrecht

Sharing your personal details

As a job seeker, it’s understandable to be cautious about sharing personal information with recruiters. However, providing your personal details is crucial to help recruiters

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Job Seekers
Judy Engelbrecht

When to move on from a job

Deciding when to move on from a job can be a challenging decision. It’s not just about the time you’ve spent in a role, but

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Job Seekers
Tanja Faux

Fear of change

If you are currently employed and in interview processes with other companies there is one thing that I can all but guarantee is going to

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Job Seekers

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